Function Reference


Retrieves a reference to a COM object from an existing process or filename.

ObjGet ( "filename" [, "classname"] )



Filename (See remarks) The full path and name to the file containing the object.
Classname (Optional) The class of the object in the following format:


Return Value

Success: Returns an object.
Failure: Returns 0 and sets @error to 1.



The filename is optional if you want to use only the class name, but the parameter
can't be omitted. Use an empty string if you only want to use the classname.
Like: $Object = ObjGet("","Excel.Application")

If you want to use a filename, the classname is optional. It's only required when
multiple classes are defined to the same file type and you want to access a
specific class.

Keep in mind that not all computers have the same set of Objects. So always check for errors after calling ObjGet().

See the Obj/COM Reference for more information about Objects.



ObjCreate, IsObj, GUICtrlCreateObj, ObjEvent



; Example getting an Object using it's class name
; Excel must be activated for this example to be successfull

$oExcel = ObjGet("","Excel.Application")    ; Get an existing Excel Object

if @error then
  Msgbox (0,"ExcelTest","Error Getting an active Excel Object. Error code: " & hex(@error,8))

$oExcel.Visible = 1     ; Let the guy show himself
$oExcel.workbooks.add       ; Add a new workbook

; Example getting an Object using a file name
; An Excel file with filename Worksheet.xls must be created in the root directory
; of the C:\ drive in order for this example to work.


if not FileExists($FileName) then
  Msgbox (0,"Excel File Test","Can't run this test, because you didn't create the Excel file "& $FileName)

$oExcelDoc = ObjGet($FileName)  ; Get an Excel Object from an existing filename

if IsObj($oExcelDoc) then

  ; Tip: Uncomment these lines to make Excel visible (credit: DaleHohm)
  ; $oExcelDoc.Windows(1).Visible = 1; Set the first worksheet in the workbook visible
  ; $oExcelDoc.Application.Visible = 1; Set the application visible (without this Excel will exit)

  $String = ""      ; String for displaying purposes

  ; Some document properties do not return a value, we will ignore those.
  $OEvent=ObjEvent("AutoIt.Error","nothing"); Equal to VBscript's On Error Resume Next
  For $Property In $oExcelDoc.BuiltinDocumentProperties
     $String = $String &  $Property.Name & ":" & $Property.Value & @CRLF

  Msgbox(0,"Excel File Test","The document properties of " & $FileName & " are:" & @CRLF & @CRLF & $String)

  $oExcelDoc.Close      ; Close the Excel document

  Msgbox (0,"Excel File Test","Error: Could not open "& $FileName & " as an Excel Object.")